Getting an Indicative Exchange Rate

For this step, we will utilize the Fetch Exchange Rate endpoint provided by the API.


This step requires the use of Parent API keys exclusively, as the operation is intended to be performed at the EP level.

This endpoint offers a way to display current exchange rates to your EPM on your application without committing to any specific amount. Essentially, it functions as a variation of the create quote endpoint, generating a non-binding quote between two different currencies.


The query parameter estimate must be set to true when making the request to generate an indicative quote (?estimate=true).

Example Request

To obtain the exchange rate from EUR to USDT, the following request can be made:

  "from": "EUR",
  "to": "USDT",
  "payInMethod": "wallet",
  "payOutMethod": "wallet"

Let's break down the request body parameters:

fromThe currency you are exchanging from.
toThe currency you are exchanging to.
payInMethodMethod for the incoming payment, use wallet for transfers into a wallet.
payOutMethodMethod for the outgoing payment, use wallet for transfers out of a wallet.

Example Response

The request for the exchange rate from EUR to USDT yields the following response:

    "id": null,
    "from": "EUR",
    "to": "USDT",
    "amountIn": 1E+1,
    "amountDue": 1E+1,
    "amountOut": 10.683345,
    "price": 0.9360364193,
    "quoteStatus": "ESTIMATE",
    "paymentStatus": "PENDING",
    "acceptanceExpiryDate": 1708450591633,
    "acceptanceDate": null,
    "paymentExpiryDate": 1708451471395,
    "paymentReceiptDate": null,
    "payInLegs": [],
    "payInMethod": {
        "id": 5,
        "code": "wallet",
        "settlementCurrency": "EUR",
        "requestedCurrency": null,
        "estimatedExchangeRate": null,
        "accountMethods": []
    "payOutMethod": {
        "id": 3,
        "code": "wallet",
        "currency": "USDT",
        "accountMethods": [
                "id": 1456,
                "display": null
                "id": 1665,
                "display": null
                "id": 1892,
                "display": null
    "uuid": "1072a63e-40ac-45f1-aebc-6d240754b58f",
    "payOutInstruction": null,
    "payInInstruction": null,
    "usePayInMethod": null,
    "usePayOutMethod": null,
    "fee": 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375,
    "processingFee": 0E+1,
    "type": "FIXED",
    "netPrice": 0.936036419300000000,
    "grossPrice": 0.936036419300000000,
    "amountInGross": 1E+1,
    "amountInNet": 1E+1,
    "fees": {
        "percentage": {
            "service": 0.0010,
            "processing": 0.0000
        "value": {
            "service": 0.01,
            "processing": 0
    "dateCreated": 1708450571633,
    "lastUpdated": 1708450571633

Key fields in the response:

idnull, as this is an estimate quote.
quoteStatusThe status of the quote; will be ESTIMATE due to the query parameter input.
uuidThe UUID of the exchange estimate, which won't be linked to an id for an estimate.
priceThe exchange rate for converting the from currency to the to currency.
amountInThe amount of the from currency used in the estimate, with the default being 10.
amountOutThe expected amount of the to currency received for the given amountIn.

The price field indicates the current exchange rate, which is approximately 0.93 EUR for 1 USDT.